Free delivery for all orders above Rs 499
Chat with us if you’ve any questions
Providing help in case of dissatisfaction
We use safest payment technologies
We accept payments via credit/debit cards, UPI, net banking, and digital wallets. Secure checkout options like COD are also available.
Live plants are non-returnable, but we offer a free replacement if they arrive damaged. Please report any issues within 24 hours of delivery.
Dispatch in 1-2 days and order takes 5-7 days to deliver.
If you have made an Online Payment the refund is made to your Credit Card, Debit Card or Net banking account. For other forms of Payment like Cash on Delivery or Bank Transfer we make the refund to your Bank Account.Your details which we require for refund process are Account Holder’s Name, Bank Name, Branch Name, Account Number, IFSC Code. Refund of your amount would take 7-10 business days from the date of refund initiation and as per the transaction type
There is no cancellation once order is received. All the orders dispatched are in accordance with the customer requirements. Hence it becomes challenging for us to cancel them. In case some of the products ordered are not in stock, we make a full refund for those Products, and the same is credited to your account within 7-10 business Days. For the
refunds made, customers are provided with a Unique reference Id which they can refer to ,if they have some issues with the rebate.
We have 12-24 hours return policy at If a wrong/defective product is delivered, then you are requested to send us a photo of the damaged/defective/wrong product and unboxing video within 12-24 hours and inform us for the same by an email at or call at +91- 6397950266 and we will communicate you the return process accordingly.
Succa Factory is a unit of PLANT ORBIT PVT. LTD. germinated for a promise to make ‘green and healthy’ and Provides Cheapest and Best Quality of Plants Online.
Copyright © Succa Factory.